Small Business Lessons Learnt

One of the ways to success for the small business entrepreneur is to do your own research in terms of what’s out there in the marketplace then re-create your own version of what you see and hear.

When you try to re-create what you see and hear to perfection you risk never starting your own venture. Let go of the need to recreate the perfection you see around you. Allowing yourself to do something that comes from the authentic you imperfectly gives you a starting point and something to learn from.

The How

Decide what you’re going to do. Keep it simple. Work on it consistently – ideally every day or every week. Don’t discount the small gains/wins. Have a clear vision, a long-term mindset and a certain sense of urgency.

Review your progress on a regular basis to keep you on track – e.g. weekly, fortnightly, monthly and make adjustments.

Start anything you’re unsure about straight away. You need to be able to answer these key questions very early on: What am I doing? Why am I doing it? What’s my approach going to be? When and how do I get started?

Getting Motivated

In order for you to be motivated there’s got to be a hook. When you see, hear or feel something, it has to light a fire inside of you. You’ve got to feel that spike of excitement somewhere within you. It has to strike a chord. If these sensations are absent chances are there’s no connection with what you’ve just seen, heard or felt and chances are you won’t maintain your motivation (even if you initially have some of it).

Motivation also comes not always from taking the action but completion and looking back at what you’ve achieved.

Balancing Movement

Part of establishing balance in your life is getting the right amount and type of exercise for you that will leave you energised and not exhausted. It may be you need something like Tai Chi or yoga for example, as opposed to running or vice versa.

Balancing Timeframes

You also need to get a balance in terms of how long you spend on something. A timeline needs to feel like a bit of a challenge in order to galvanise you. If, however, it’s too short there’s a risk you either switch off because part of your brain won’t believe it’s possible for you to achieve your outcome within that timeframe, or you become highly stressed trying to get everything done within the period you’ve given yourself.

A key skill to develop is therefore to establish a balance between a timeframe that’s too short and unduly stressful for you and one that’s too long and risks you becoming distracted by less important events occurring around you.

Personal Development vs Personal Connection

Sometimes when you go from programme to programme it only means something to you when you have your own product or service that you’re offering. Only then can you really connect to what you’re seeing and hearing. Otherwise it can just feel like theory. Before you spend thousands on yet another programme look at what’s around you and bring it together into your own programme.

Use your existing contact-base! Are you a member of an existing group with whom you can share the benefits of what you offer? Who do you already have around you to assist you? How can you help them? Find out from them what they actually want and need, package it into a programme and offer it to them in the format they want.

Strategies for Entrepreneurs & Professionals

As a solopreneur or professional at the helm of a small team, there are a seemingly endless number of tasks that need to be ticked off a daily To Do List each day. The well-being of a manager can slowly fall further and further down that list of priorities.

Spending too many hours on a business venture – and not enough on a personal life and self-care – is the fast-track to burnout.

“It’s Not the Amount of Work We Do that Causes Burnout!” For many entrepreneurs, it’s not the workload that makes people fall off the health wagon. Instead, it’s the feelings that entrepreneurs have around their work – like the overwhelming feeling that they are never off duty; the harrowing guilt that comes up when they try to step away from their business; and the never-ending pressure to achieve and succeed – which becomes overwhelming and stressful.

Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Self-Care Bootcamp for Entrepreneurs was created to get professionals back on track.

In this four-module self-guided course – complete with an Action Plan clients can implement at the end of each module and exercise worksheets to help them define their own self-care plan.

– Start taking care of themselves: mind, body and spirit, so they can transform their life and business (and feel happier and more successful, too)

– Create a strong and healthy body, so they have the much-needed energy and stamina to grow a thriving business

– Nurture their emotional well-being and safeguard against emotional burnout by setting firm boundaries

Module 1: The Whole-Body Entrepreneur

– Why self-care keeps slipping from their grasp (and how to stop the slide) – so they can break their old habits for good and build a sustainable self-care routine.

– 7 signs of burnout they need to take seriously – and what to do about them

– 6 signs of stress – and how to permanently defuse it

– Why they are stuck in distraction (and how to get out) – because ditching those time drains will free them up to do the things they love

Module 2: A Strong & Healthy Body Makes Good Business Sense

– The dangerous health habits common to entrepreneurs and how to spot them – so they can kick them to the curb today

– The real reason why making time to be healthy never seems to work – and the simple hacks and strategies they can use to fix this

– How to identify their energy drains

– 6 tips and tricks for fitting self-care painlessly back into their everyday life – easy to adopt rituals and habits to help stop destructive practices and strengthen the well-being of their life and business

Module 3: Nurture Your Emotional Well-being

– 6 “emotional well-being” deal breakers-including what they are and how to handle them

– 6 surefire warning signs they may be running into a client from hell – including what to do when their client-to-be is both needy and nice

– 5 painless ways to ditch the energy vampires and complainers – it may be the kindest thing they do for both of them

– Why neglecting their boundaries has a direct effect on business decisions – and how to successfully change this habit

– How to be proactive in handling negative people and situations – and what they can do to help prevent it from happening

– How to create a Emotional Well-being Profile – and use it to strengthen their boundaries naturally and painlessly

Module 4: Creativity Comes from the Soul

– 10 ways to get over negative perceptions and insecurities – and how to start truly, deeply loving themselves

– 5 must-take steps necessary to make any major lifestyle change – including what they should make time for, why they don’t and how to change that, for good

– How to create their own Emotional Well-being Profile – and finally figure out what’s essential for them to maintain confidence, good health, and true happiness

Your Computers, Network and Information

What Is Ransomware?

Ransomware is one of the most vicious and insidious types of malware. It encrypts your data and makes it inaccessible. The cyber criminal demands that you send money (usually within a certain time period) to regain use of your system. You can only hope that if and when you pay what is demanded that the hacker sends you the decryption key.

Unprepared computer users can be devastated by a successful ransomware attack.

Today you should become urgently aware of ransomware and routinely do what is necessary to fight against it. The problem has been growing. In the previous year it reportedly grew by 2,500%. Unless you are careful, you could suddenly see a message on your screen announcing that your data is inaccessible.

Ransomware can be delivered to your computer in a variety of ways. An email attachment, for example, is a typical tool that can be used to infect your system. The cyber criminal’s goal is to get you to “click” on a nefarious attachment installed on your computer. “Falling” for the trick, essentially allows the cyber criminal’s program to run in the background and to encrypt essential data that renders the system inaccessible.

The use of Spamware is another delivery method that can be used to draw in users to take action to implement ransomware. There are a number of nasty techniques. Avoid clicking on unsolicited offers or questionable links. Evolving ransomware is now automated and some attacks are now hosted by cybercriminal organizations that sell ransomware as a service for a percentage of the amount stolen.

One is for the hacker to use an invisible web page placed behind the one that is observed on the screen. An unsuspecting computer user could click on a particular area on the screen and the downloading of the ransomware would begin without the user’s knowledge.

Everyone Should Fear Ransomware

The growth of ransomware has been huge and was labeled as the most significant malware in 2018. The number of attacks increased by more than 109% over the previous year. One industry source estimates that 75 billion dollars a year is now being lost.

The author is familiar with a city government that was the victim of a malware attack. The cybercriminal demanded $500,000.00 to restore user access to the city government’s mission critical information. The ability of the municipality to conduct business ground to a snail’s pace. Town officials were forced to pay the ransom. Fortunately, access to the records was restored.

Recovery costs from ransomware attacks are large. One well publicized attack on the city of Atlanta reportedly demanded a $51,000.00 payment. Recovery costs were estimated to have been 17 million dollars.

Cyber thieves use ransomware attack to extort monies from institutions, businesses, personal computers and even mobile devices (particularly Android systems). User awareness is a major factor that can influence whether an attempted ransomware attack succeeds. Keeping all of your software updated is important, too.

Backing up your data is one of your main defenses against a ransomware. You must remember, however, that anything connected to your network can be infected by ransomware. That includes the data stored in the cloud.

Professionals suggest that your backup must be completely apart from your mission critical information and stored separate and apart from your electronic data system.